How To Install Fonts on Windows, Mac & Linux

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Supported fonts:

* TrueType
* OpenType
* PostScript type 1 (requires Adobe Type Manager (ATM) or ATM Deluxe; comes with Windows XP and up)
* Windows bit mapped FON

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Installation process under XP:

how to install fonts

* Close all applications.
* Select font files and copy them into C:WindowsFonts folder.

Alternative installation process under XP:

* Close all applications.
* Go to > Start Menu > Control Panel (> Appearance and Themes) > Fonts.
* From the > Fonts folder menu open > File > Install a new font…
* Browse for your fonts and click > OK to install.

Installation process under Vista and 7:

* Close all applications.
* Right-click font files to be installed.
* A menu will pop up, select > Install.

Alternative installation process under Vista and 7:

* Close all applications.
* Go to > Start Menu > Control Panel (> Appearance and Personalization) > Fonts.
* Right-click into the list of fonts and select > Install a new font… from the menu.
* Browse for your fonts and click > OK to install.

Ubuntu Linux

Supported fonts:

* TrueType
* OpenType

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Installation process to install for single user:

how to install fonts

* Close all applications.
* Open > /home folder.
* In the menu open > View and > Show Hidden Files.
* You will now see the > .fonts folder. If not, create that folder.
* Copy font files into the > .fonts folder.

Installation process to install for all users:

* Close all applications.
* Save fonts in a separate folder on > Desktop, e.g. > newfonts.
* Open > terminal and start command > sudo cp -R ~/Desktop/newfonts /usr/share/fonts
* Optional: rebuild font cache with command > sudo fc-cache -f -v

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