Where can I post my pictures, movies, or other files online for free?

Ga baw hte maren my pictures, movies, or other files ni hpe online kaw gumhpraw njaw ra ai sha mara la ai sites ni hpe loi shachyen dat ya ai.
Flickr - http://www.flickr.com
Supported files: Photos
Description: An excellent site and community that enables its users to post their personal photos on their site easily. In addition to posting and allowing others to view your photos, there are millions of other people's photos that can be seen.

YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/
Supported files: Video
Description: An excellent site with a great community that enables users to post their own movie files on their server for everyone to view.

FileFront - http://www.filefront.com
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files, Video, Audio, Other
Description: An excellent site that supports a wide support of images capable of being uploaded to their server. In addition to being able to upload and share your files with other users, FileFront has an extensive network of servers to host the files and download time is always extremely fast.

ImageShack - http://imageshack.us
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files
Description: A good site for posting small image files that requires no registration.

Photobucket - http://www.photobucket.com
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files
Description: Another great site to post your photos and image files for other people to view.

Putfile - http://www.putfile.com
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files, Video, Flash, Audio
Description: A great site that enables users to post almost all types of files he or she may want to share with other users.

ePhotoSpace - http://ephotospace.com/
Supported files: Pictures and video
Description: Great location for users to store their personal pictures and videos. In addition to storing your pictures the company also provides you with a free personal web address and the ability to show your pictures in a slideshow.

File Qube - http://www.fileqube.com/
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files, Video, Flash, Audio
Description: A great site that enables users to post almost all types of files he or she may want to share with other users.

FileUPYOURS - http://www.fileupyours.com/
Supported files: Any file any size
Description: Another great site to upload and store files. This service is great for larger files since the service claims there is no file limitation. However, there is a 100MB storage limitation.

Google Video - http://video.google.com
Supported files: Video
Description: Google's site, which allows users to post their own video files on their servers and share them with others.

SnapDrive - http://www.snapdrive.net/
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files, Video, Audio, Other
Description: Fantastic location to upload, store, and share your files. 20MB for anonymous uploads and up to 2GB of free space with registration.

UploadingIT.com - http://www.uploadingit.com/
Supported files: Photos, Other Image files, Video, Audio, Other
Description: Another great place to post files up to 100MB you may need to transfer, move, and/or share.

Postmyimage.com - http://www.postmyimage.com/
Supported files: Photos, Graphics, Other
Description: Post files up to 4500 KB.

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